Thursday, November 12, 2015

Create Teaming windows server intel network card

Here is  a bash script to create Teaming with intel network card, on windows Server

First you have to install Intel PROSet for Windows 

Then create a bat file and put on the flowing script.

@echo off
REM ###########################################################################
REM Script to create Teaming for Intel Network card
REM Version : V1
REM ###########################################################################

REM Go on INTEL folder
Cd "C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL\"
REM Enumerate Intel cards
set _scmd=PROSetCL.exe adapter_enumerate

REM Enumerate Intel cards
FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=)" %%G IN ('%_scmd% ^|find "Intel"') DO call :concat %%G

REM Remove addition information that we don't need
set myvar=%myvar:~0,3%

REM Create Teaming
PROSetCL.exe Team_Create %myvar% IntelTeaming AFT

REM concatenate index of intel cards
set myvar=%myvar%%1,

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